Winstar Casino and Resort

Project Details
The new WinStar Conventon Center is the perfect venue for
businesses and organizatons to host conventons, business
conferences, luncheons, meetngs and more. When it came
tme for constructon, Manhatan chose Lantek AVC to install
a state-of-the-art audio-video system that allowed Winstar to
send any audio or video source to any display or speaker.
This complex matrix system would not have been possible if
not for the advances that SVSI has made in the feld Network
The Event Center features multple Ballrooms, Boardrooms,
and Pre-functon areas complete with digital signage and a
Mosaic Video Wall.
Technology Used
Community Cloud Speakers
Crown Digital Amplifers
BSS Digital Signal Processors
GreenGo Intercom
SVSI 4K Encoders/Decoders
Sharp Commercial Displays
Crestron Control Processors
Listen Tech Assisted Listening
Middle Atlantc Power